Drink Low Glycemic Index Juices To Manage Blood Sugar

Juanita Raja

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Juicing for diabetics

I will start with the fact that the use of juices not only has become fashionable today but also benefit people with diabetes. Despite the simplicity in considering the act of drinking juice, it is important for diabetics to approach the act of juicing carefully as it affects blood glucose. The solution is to go for certain types of juices which can be consumed in the diet of a diabetic patient without any harm to the blood sugar levels.

Diabetes juices are not the same as commercial fruit juices that are full of sugar and lack fiber. So what juice is good for diabetics then? These juices must include fruits and vegetables that have low GI and are packed with nutrients that assist in managing sugar. Consuming juices prepared from these ingredients can help with insulin resistance, and provide vitamins and minerals one requires daily.

However, diabetics need to acquaint themselves with the right proportions and measurements of the quantities of juice to take in a day. This introduction will provide an overview of the advantages and disadvantages of juicing in relation to diabetes, as well as strategies for managing glycemia when using juices. For those who are only recently being diagnosed or have been living with diabetes for several years now, this knowledge of how fruit juice and other beverages can affect one’s health is a step closer into improving one’s diabetes management.


Consuming juices as part of a diet for managing diabetes entails choosing the right type of juice that will not contribute to increased blood sugar in the body. The aim is to pick fruits and vegetables that affect blood glucose the least but are most nutritious. In this section, let’s look at different types of juices that are good for those with diabetes, their advantages, and how they should be made. I cannot tell you if there one best juice for diabetics, every juice has it’s benefits as long as it is low in GI, high in fiber and nutrients, and thus friendly for diabetic patients to consume.

Kale Juice For Diabetes


Kale is enriched with antioxidants, vitamins K, A, and C, minerals, and a source of fiber. Kale contains a lot of fiber that allows for a gradual release of glucose into the bloodstream and not a sudden rush. Moreover, kale contains chemicals that have been found to have anti-inflammatory and anti-diabetic effects.


The raw kale leaves can be blended together with a bit of water to make a puree. For a better taste and additional health benefits, you can add a green apple, cucumber, or a piece of ginger. These additions can enhance the flavor of the dish and offer other nutritional benefits as well.

Spinach Juice For Diabetes


Spinach is another green vegetable that contains a lot of vitamins and minerals and has few calories and carbs. It is highly rich in magnesium which is a very useful mineral in diabetes since it can assist in controlling blood sugar levels. As with kale, spinach also has fiber which helps to regulate the blood sugar level by slowing down glucose absorption.


To prepare spinach juice, one has to blend fresh spinach leaves with water. To get a better taste, one should blend spinach with other diabetic friendly ingredients such as celery, one small carrot, or a cup of berries. These combinations can help one to take the juice with ease and also make it more enriched with nutrients.

Kale and spinach juices can be considered as positive additions to the diet of patients with diabetes as they provide a high amount of nutrients packaged in low volumes and help to maintain appropriate blood glucose levels. However, it is advised to take these juices in moderate amounts rather than taking them as the only source of nutrition.

Beet Juice For Diabetes


Beet juice is good for diabetic patients because beet juice, when taken in its raw form, does not cause a high level of blood sugar. It oxygenates the brain and may help slow dementia, it also improves insulin sensitivity. Beet juice also helps in the improvement of the cardiovascular health by reducing the blood pressure because of the presence of nitrates.


For beet juice, wash the beet and chop it up into pieces then blend it with some water. To it you can add lemon or ginger for taste. Begin with little amounts to check on how the blood sugar will react. If the taste is too strong, it is advised to dilute it with water.

Berry Juice For Diabetes


Small fruits like strawberries, blueberries, and blackberries are very good for diabetics since they do not cause a sharp rise in blood sugar levels due to their low glycemic index and high fiber content. Since berry juice contains antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, it is beneficial for the heart and helps fight inflammation. Berries also contain fiber that is useful in regulating the rate at which glucose is released into the bloodstream, thus avoiding a rise in blood sugar levels.


For berry juice you can use any of your preferred berries and blend it with water or unsweetened almond milk. For an added fibre boost and thickness, one can add one tablespoon of chia seeds to the smoothie. This will not only make the juice thicker but it will also give one a long lasting energy source without raising the blood sugar levels.

Cucumber And Celery Juice For Diabetes Patients


Cucumber and celery juice is widely recomnded as a hydrating agent and blood sugar regulating drink in individuals with diabetes. The two vegetables are low in calories as well as carbohydrates but are rich in water content and nutrients that can contribute to the regulation of blood pressure and improve general wellbeing.


To prepare this drink, cut one large cucumber and one stalk of celery into pieces and extract their juice. To give the juice a richer flavor and more health benefits one can add green apple or a small piece ginger into the juice. This juice is ideal to taken when it is hot or even after a workout without raising the blood glucose level.

Tomato Juice For Diabetes


Tomato juice is a recommended beverage for those with diabetes as it is packed with lycopene, potassium and vitamin C and has a low glycemic index meaning it will not spike the blood sugar levels quickly. Tomato juice is highly beneficial for the heart and may help to prevent heart disease as is essential for diabetics.


To make fresh tomato juice, chop some tomatoes and mix them with some water, salt, and some herbs such as basil or cilantro. One should avoid using commercially available tomato juice that has added sugar or a high amount of sodium.

Carrot Juice For Diabetes


Carrot juice is very advisable for diabetics as carrots contain large proportions of beta-carotene, vitamins, and minerals. As carrots contain natural sugars, the juice can be taken sparingly because it has nutritive values such as enhancing vision and boosting the immune system.


Blend one large carrot juiced from a green apple and a dash of lemon juice to make it little bit sour. This juice combination makes it possible to prepare a healthy drink that can be taken in managing diabetes through the recommended meal plan.

Apple Juice For Diabetes


Apple juice in a proper amount and properly made can be included into a diabetics’ diet. Compared to other fruits, apples rank reasonably low on the glycemic index. There is a recommendation to use apple varieties that are less sweet and consume the juice in the right portions that does not affect the blood sugar level.


To make a diabetic friendly apple juice, it is recommended to juice green apples rather than red apples which are a lot sweeter. It also softball the actual quality of the juice, which can keep a proper balance of sugar concentrations for the people with diabetes.

Incorporation of these juices into a diabetes meal plan requires a balance on the whole diet plan after checking blood glucose levels. It is suggested that the following juice options be discussed with a healthcare provider to see whether they fit into one’s personal objective and prescription.

Pomegranate Juice For Diabetes


It becomes essential to incorporate pomegranate juice into the diet of patients with diabetes owing to its rich nutritional value. It is rich in fiber, which aids in the management of blood sugar and is packed with polyphenol and flavonoid antioxidants. These antioxidants have a vital function as an anti-inflammatory and increase the body’s sensitivity to insulin, which would ultimately help in the efficient management of blood glucose levels. Moreover, pomegranate juice contains low calories. Thus, it can be helpful in weight loss, something that is essential in caring for diabetes. Although it contains natural sugars, it can be taken in moderate portions, and it is not a threat to any diabetic patient’s diet.


To get pomegranate juice, the following items will be required: pomegranate. Once you have all these, you can start preparing the juice. To prepare the pomegranate, you need to cut it in half and then use a hand-held citrus juicer or press squeeze out the juice. It is also okay to remove the arils (seeds) and blend them because the pulp is then filtered out. However, it felt thick when ingested; thus, you can add water to thin out to your desired preference. Bear in mind that homemade pomegranate juice without additives, specifically sugars, is desirable for the reduction of blood glucose levels.

Tart Cherry Juice On Diabetes


Another diabetes-friendly drink that can be recommended is tart cherry juice. It’s particularly known to be rich in anthocyanins; these are not only the pigments responsible for the dark color of cherries, but they also assist in stimulating the release of insulin as well as in the regulation of the postprandial rise in blood sugar levels. Tart cherry juice does not have a high GI value or GL value. Thus, it cannot pose a potential threat to people with diabetes that is spiking blood glucose levels. Third, it has high antioxidant value and would improve general health, more so concerning cardiovascular health, thus being a major issue among diabetic stressed individuals.


In the case of taking tart cherry juice, it is recommended that you consume fresh or frozen tart cherries in order to get the nutrients. For the juice, you require Cherry and water and blend them, then sieve or filter the juice to remove cherry particles. If fresh tart cherries cannot be bought, opt for unsweetened tart cherry juice in the markets, which should not have any additives. Drinking cherry juice can easily become a fascinating way to improve one’s health. Nonetheless, it should be noted that a maximum of 10 ounces of tart cherry juice per day is allowed to avoid affecting blood sugar levels.


Selecting suitable types of juices and serving them with appropriate fresh low glycemic index foods will indeed be helpful to people with diabetes. These juices are healthy and tasty and give people the possibility to drink tasty and healthy juices without having a rise in blood sugar levels. Again, let it be noted that juicing is alright in a diabetic diet, but these juices should only be taken once in a while and in moderation to help regulate blood sugar levels.

Incorporating a list that consists of juices that one should avoid when diabetic is quite useful to help the reader gain a more holistic view. Products that contain high sugar content and those that are rich in glycemic index pose a risk of causing a spike in blood sugar levels among those with the condition. Here’s a list of juices that may not be the best choice for individuals with diabetes, focusing on their potential to raise blood glucose levels: Here’s a list of juices that may not be the best choice for individuals with diabetes, focusing on their potential to raise blood glucose levels:

There are certain juices that patients with diabetes should also avoid to reduce the level of sugar in their diet.


  • Regular Orange Juice: It is rich in Vitamin C; however, normal orange juice contains natural sugar, and thus, it poses a high glycemic index and has a very bad impact on the blood sugar level.
  • Grape Juice: Another fruit juice that is loaded with sugar is grape juice, and this particular juice is also saturated with the effects of a high glycemic index; hence has the potential to raise blood glucose levels faster.
  • Cranberry Juice: However, cranberry juice commonly found in stores is usually processed and contains added sugar; this makes it a no-go for patients with diabetes.
  • Fruit Punches and Cocktails: These beverages usually contain several fruit juices with high sugar content and are usually sweetened, always affecting the status of blood glucose.
  • Mango Juice: Mangoes are almost like candies, and mango juice is rather sweet. Thus, it is suggested to add it to the list of prohibited products for diabetics, or, at least, it is preferable to be limited to a few servings per week.
  • Pineapple Juice: Similar to mango juice, pineapple juice contains natural sugars, which contribute to the increase in blood sugar.


Portion Control: That is why, when consuming any juice, the recommended serving size should be taken into consideration not to affect the blood sugar level. Clear liquid foods include water, tea, or coffee with little sugar, broth, juice, and gelatin, and small portions can be taken depending on the nutritional requirements of the body.

Check Labels for Added Sugars: In selecting juices, it is appropriate to look at the labels in order not to go for the ones which contain sugars and syrups that may greatly enhance on the carbohydrate values.

Whole Fruits Over Juices: Consuming whole fruits rather than fruits in the form of juices can be beneficial for persons with diabetes roughly. Whole fruits do have a lot of fiber; this enables a slower release of sugar into the blood stream, with less effect on people with diabetes.

Consultation with Healthcare Providers: Replacing foods or incorporating new types of juice into diet it is advisable to seek advice from a healthcare provider or a registered dietitian. They can advice depending on your current health condition, the drugs you are taking and your progress in controlling your glucose.

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Juanita Raja

I am a certified CNA. After working in a research lab as a phlebotomist and performing medical trials, I decided to learn more about holistic and natural approaches to health. I am passionate about holistic health approaches to eliminate medical conditions with supplements, nutrition ( anti-Inflammatory, non-processed, organic diet, juicing etc) and exercise.

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